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First of all, we pronounce our name something like "Kee-ol More". In Irish Gaelic it means
"big music" which has also been interpreted as "a lot of noise !".
We are a Celtic band located in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. We play at festivals, weddings,
pubs, coffee bars, private parties and special functions in the region and are available for hire.
We play a variety of instruments, among them the hammered dulcimer, flute, tin-whistle, banjo, mandolin,
English concertina, bodhran and spoons. We also vary our music considerably, sometimes deviating from
traditional Irish music to Welsh, Scottish, Cornish and even Breton tunes. We are also one of the few bands in town
who use vocals. And we don't just sing in English either ! Have you ever heard Welsh sung ? No ? Then come
and listen to us. You won't be disappointed !